- des numéros toujours actifs
- activation des numéros sur commande, à partir de 10 minutes
- les deux types de numéros, priorité pour les numéros toujours actifs
Mise à jour des données automatiquement toutes les 30 secondes. Date et heure dans le fuseau horaire de votre navigateur.
État | Numéro de téléphone | Service | Expire à | ||||||||||||||
{{ getStatusText(order.state) }} | {{ order.ccode }} {{ order.pnumber }} ({{order.provider}}) a besoin d'être remplacé (?) | {{ order.sname }} | {{ (new Date(order.until * 1000)).toLocaleString() }} |
You can prolong number only if before expiring date left less 7 days | |||||||||||||||||
SMS reçu sur le numéroRafraîchir
SMS reçu sur le numéro pour d'autres servicesCacher Afficher
Tout d'abord, vérifiez que vous avez activé le numéro de téléphone avant d'envoyer un SMS. Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser un proxy privé, de nettoyer le cache et les cookies de votre navigateur lorsque vous créez des comptes en utilisant des numéros.
Vous pouvez prolonger le numéro uniquement si moins de 7 jours restent avant la date d'expiration.
Période de garantie maximale pour la location - 90 jours.
Si la période de location a expiré et que vous n'avez pas eu le temps de renouveler la location, vous pouvez restaurer la location dans la section Archive sur la page de location vous-même. Notez que ce n'est pas toujours possible de restaurer le numéro, mais uniquement si cela est techniquement possible.
Après la demande d'activation, votre numéro apparaît dans une file d'attente pour l'activation, où il y a des numéros et d'autres utilisateurs, donc l'activation du numéro peut prendre du temps. En moyenne, un numéro de téléphone est activé en 10-15 minutes, mais cela peut prendre plus longtemps. Si le numéro n'est pas activé depuis très longtemps, vous pouvez contacter l'équipe de support et nous essayerons de résoudre le problème.
Nous ne remboursons pas si vous avez utilisé le numéro, c.-à-d. reçu des SMS et que vous n'avez eu aucun problème avec le numéro. Les remboursements sont faits uniquement lorsqu'il y a des problèmes insolubles avec le numéro. Dans la plupart des cas, la question du retour est décidée individuellement.
Le coût de rétablissement de la location = le coût des jours de retard (sans remise) + acompte à partir de 30 jours de location
Only GET requests are accepted. The server always responds in JSON format. If the request was successful, then the status field will be 1, otherwise 0. If status = 0, then the cause of the error will be indicated in the msg field. Before sending SMS to a number, it must be activated and wait until the state of the order has the corresponding value. Please note that most requests require the user apikey to be specified.
{ "status": 1, "data": [ { "name": "Россия", // country name "code": "RU" // country code } ] }
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=getdata&country=RU country - country code dtype - type of period: week or month dcount - count type of period, i.e. if dtype=week then counts of weeks
{ "status": 1, "data": [ { "name": "Airbnb", // service name "service": "opt46", // service code "price_day": 6, // price per day "count": 359 // available count } ] }
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=getdataWithProviders&country=RU&dtype=week&dcount=1 country - country code dtype - type of rental period: week (week) or month (month) dcount - number of rental periods: if dtype=week, then the number of weeks
{ "status": 1, "data": { "services": [ { "name": "1cupis & okcupid & winline", "service": "opt48", "price_day": 5, "img": "images\/ico\/cupis_okcupid_winline.ico", "procent_days": 0, "procent": 0, "day_step": 0, "count": {"MTS": 12}, "totalCount": 12 } ], "totalAmount": 1735, "allOperators": ["MTS"] } }
https://smspva.com/rent.php?method=getCountWithProviders&country=AT&dtype=week&dcount=1 country - country code dtype - type of rental period: week (week) or month (month) dcount - number of rental periods: if dtype=week, then the number of weeks
{ "status": 1, "data": { "opt48": { "Amount": { "Limbo_AT": 12, "Tele2_AT": 1, "yesss_AT": 69 }, "Total": 82 } } }
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=create&apikey=yourapikeyhere&dtype=week&dcount=1&country=RU&service=opt6 dtype - type of period: week or month dcount - count type of period, i.e. if dtype=week then counts of weeks country - country code of number service - service code provider - Optional parameter. Provider name. If not specified, a provider will be chosen randomly from the available ones.
{ "status": 1, "data": { "id": 40370, // ID of order "pnumber": "9096037108", // phone number without country code "ccode": "+7", // digital country code "service": "opt6", // service code "until": 1587633960 // UNIX timestamp of expire date } }
https://simsms.org/api/rent.php?method=create_multi&apikey=yourapikeyhere&dtype=week&dcount=1&country=RU&services=opt6,opt7 dtype - type of time when renting: week (week) or month (month) dcount - count type of period, i.e. if dtype=week then counts of weeks country - country code of number services - service code provider - Optional parameter. Provider name. If not specified, a provider will be chosen randomly from the available ones.
{ "status": 1, "data": [{ "id": 40370, // ID of order "pnumber": "9096037108", // phone number without country code "ccode": "+7", // digital country code "service": "opt6", // service code "until": 1587633960 // UNIX timestamp of expire date },{ "id": 40371, // ID of order "pnumber": "9096037108", // phone number without country code "ccode": "+7", // digital country code "service": "opt7", // service code "until": 1587633960 // UNIX timestamp of expire date }] }
{ "status": 1, "data": [ { "id": 40300, // ID of order "scode": "opt16", // service code "sname": "Instagram", // service name "state": 0, // state of number // 0 - not active, need to activate before send SMS // 1 - active, can receive SMS // 2 - activating process // -1 - phone number not in the system "pnumber": "9096068511", // phone number without country code "ccode": "+7", // digital country code "cname": "RU", // country code "hasnewsms": false, // flag of new SMS "until": 1587552240, // UNIX timestamp of expire date "canprolong": true, // flag of availablity of prolongation "canprolongmax": 162, // max days for prolongation "canprolonguntil": 1634883780 // Unix timestamp for max prolongation "lastonline": 1586947920 // Unix timestamp of last online date of number } ] }
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=add_service_to_order&apikey=yourapikeyhere&id=3****4&service=opt89&pnumber=79*******95 apikey - Your API-key id - ID of the rental order service - service code pnumber - rented phone number with country code without "+"
{ "status": 1 }
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=sms&id=123&apikey=yourapikeyhere id - ID of order
{ "status": 1, "data": [ { "text": "Code Instagram: 671 094.", // text of SMS "sender": "FACEBOOK", // sender of the SMS "date": 1586948100 // Unix timestamp of receiving date } ] }
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?id=123&dcount=1&dtype=week&method=prolong&apikey=yourapikeyhere id - ID of order dtype - type of period: week or month dcount - count type of period, i.e. if dtype=week then counts of weeks
{ "status": 1, "data": { "id": 123 // ID of order } }
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=activate&id=123&apikey=yourapikeyhere id - ID of order
{ "status": 1, "data": { "id": 123 // ID of order } }
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=delete&id=123&apikey=yourapikeyhere id - ID of order
{ "status": 1, "data": { "id": 123 // ID of order } }
To restore the lease agreement, you need to get the order ID. To get a list of orders with the necessary information from the archive, you can request
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=get_rent_history&apikey=userKey&skip=skipArchive&take=takeArchive userKey - User Key skipArchive - Number of items to skip takeArchive - Number of items received
{ "status": 1, "data": [{ "orderId":517017,"resourceCode":"opt59","number":"79020831944", "branchId":1235,"haveSms":true,"days":7,"country":"EN", "begin":1222222231,"end":1611111931,"closed":1632445144 }] }
After receiving the ID of the desired reservation, you need to make another request to check the availability of the for rent`s and calculate the cost of restoration.
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=restore_user_precalc&apikey=userKey&id= orderId userKey - User key orderId - ID of the rental order
{ "status": 1, "data": { "ccode": "EN", "scode": "opt59", "price": 2.4, "sname": "Avito", "pnumber": "79929831844", "outdays": 32, "orderid": 317017, "prolongTo": 30 } }
If an exception occurs, we will receive a status with the value "0" and an error message in the msg field. at the bottom of the instructions is a list of possible exceptions and their description
After receiving a positive response and agreeing to the terms of the lease restoration, you can make a last request that will return the rental number
https://smspva.com/api/rent.php?method=restore_user&apikey=userKey&id=orderId userKey - User key orderId - ID of the rental order
The request will return an object with status and data fields, if the values are positive, then the number has been restored. If the values are not positive, double-check the data and try again, if this also did not help, contact the site support service
NOAVAILDAYS: Phone number is unavalible for automatically restoring. There are not enough working days for the phone number;
NOTOWNER: Looks like the order is not your. Check it and try again;
NOREMOTEDATA: We could not find information about your order in archive. Check that your rental order was expired;
NOORDERCOUNTRY: We could not find all info about order. Please, write in live-chat on the website for restoring order;
DATEDIFFINVERT: Looks like your order was not expired. Check that your rental order was expired;
NOSERVICEDATA: Could not load information about service. Please, write in live-chat on the website for restoring order;
NOBALANCE: Your balance is not enough for restoring rental order. Today need
the user had not this order: Looks like the order is not your. Check it and try again;
Service not found: Could not load information about service. Please, write in live-chat on the website for restoring order;
Balance is not enough: Your balance is not enough for restoring rental order;
Début | Fermé | Service | Numéro de téléphone | Action |
{{rentDateConverter(rent.begin)}} | {{rentDateConverter(rent.closed)}} | {{rentGetServiceByCode(rent.resourceCode)}} | {{rent.number}} | |
Aucun enregistrement correspondant trouvé |