Có những trang web giả mạo sao chép thiết kế của chúng tôi. Khi truy cập trang web, hãy kiểm tra tên miền của trang web. Tên miền của chúng tôi là SMSPVA.COM. Hãy cẩn thận và không tin tưởng các trang web giả mạo. Chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm về hành động của các trang web giả mạo này.
Trình duyệt của bạn quá cũ, một số chức năng có thể không khả dụng. Vui lòng cập nhật trình duyệt của bạn để tương tác với dịch vụ một cách thoải mái hơn.
Dear users! We are happy to inform you about the reduction of the cost of receiving SMS by 50% for Hungary numbers in the activation section. Do not miss the opportunity to receive SMS at low prices.
Dear users! We are happy to inform you that Paraguay and Argentina numbers have been added to the rental section. The numbers do not require activation, and you can quickly receive SMS. There is
Dear users! We have reduced the price of alias for private emails. Now it is only $0.25, which allows you to create accounts in the desired app or website even cheaper. By using alias, you can
Dear users, we have updated the private mail section with a new batch of mails. You can use these emails to receive activation letters from any service or app you want. Go to this section Private
Dear users! We are happy to offer you the opportunity to rent Bangladesh numbers for a long term in the rental section. The numbers of this country are always active and there is a sufficient number
Dear users! We have added a new feature to the rental section. Now you can rent a number for the service you need and then buy a rental for this number for other services. This is a great opportunity
Dear users! We have added Hungarian numbers to the activation section. There are enough numbers available at the moment. Don't miss the chance to get SMS for the app you want.
Dear users! Slovak numbers have been added to the activation section. At the moment, Slovak numbers are added in test mode, and this is a great opportunity to get an SMS for the desired app. Hurry up
Dear customers! We are happy to inform you about the reduction of the cost of receiving SMS for Argentina and Paraguay. This is a great opportunity to get confirmation codes for a lower cost. Hurry
Dear Users! We are happy to announce that we have added new numbers of Gibraltar to our service. These country numbers are rare and it's a great opportunity to get SMS codes for any service you want.