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13/01/23 | 14:10

Croatia numbers were added to the activation section!

Dear customers! Croatia numbers have been added to the activation section! You can test and receive sms for any app you want.
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10/01/23 | 19:58

Added Vietnam for rent and Spain numbers with quick activation.

Dear users! Added Vietnam numbers to the rental section. Also added Spain numbers for rent with quick activation. No more waiting for long activation your numbers!
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09/01/23 | 18:56

Added Ireland to the rent section and increased the pool of UK numbers

Dear customers! Ireland numbers have been added to the rent section. High-quality numbers for registration. The pool of UK numbers with instant activation has also been expanded. Hurry up to use it!
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29/12/22 | 18:35

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

We sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Let this coming year be filled with prosperity and contentment! We wish you good luck and each your goals in 2023! Schedule of online
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22/12/22 | 18:42

Added 3 new services in the activation section: Openal, VooV Meeting, Schibsted-konto.

Pay attention! 3 new services have been added to the activation section: - Open air - VooV Meeting - Schibsted-konto (Sweden only) Previously, SMS messages were issued through OTHER service in the
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21/12/22 | 16:55

Added Indonesia numbers in the rent section and changed the price for Israel numbers

Dear customers! Indonesia is available in the rent section. We added this country numbers and it's a great chance to rent a number for long time and get codes anytime you want. In the rent section
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11/12/22 | 13:41

Reduced the cost of USA numbers in the rent section!

Dear users! We inform you about the price reduction in the rental section for USA numbers. Please note that the cost is reduced by 50%, which allows you to buy numbers and get codes even cheaper.
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09/12/22 | 15:47

The price became much cheaper for Poland numbers!

Please note! We changed the price for Poland numbers. The price is reduced by 50% for almost all services in the list! It's a great opportunity to get codes and pay less.
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02/12/22 | 14:39

Increased the number of Czech numbers, instant activation of UK. Latest news in the rent section!

We are glad to announce the update and improvement of the rent section: - The number of Czech phone numbers has been raised. - Added a pool of numbers with instant switching for UK. - Returned the
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14/11/22 | 16:41

Temporary price increase for the USA numbers!

Dear customers! Our partner in the USA, who has been providing SIM cards for our website for many years is currently experiencing difficulties in supplying high-quality SIM cards. Now this is a
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