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08/05/20 | 09:25


Wechat payment system is again available to replenish the balance
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30/04/20 | 13:20

New country - Laos

Dear users, we added new country - Laos. Lets try to use fresh country.
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17/04/20 | 16:59

Engineering works

Dear users, from April 17, 23:00 UTC+0 to April 18 01:00 UTC+0 technical work will be carried out on the site. There may be temporary interruptions in the site.
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08/04/20 | 17:48

Engineering works

Dear users, from April 08, 23:00 UTC+0 to April 09 01:00 UTC+0 technical work will be carried out on the site. There may be temporary interruptions in the site.
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04/04/20 | 23:51

Engineering works

Dear users, from April 04, 23:00 UTC+0 to April 05 01:00 UTC+0 technical work will be carried out on the site. There may be temporary interruptions in the site.
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04/04/20 | 19:57

We remind you!

The most profitable way to replenish the balance - Bitcoin! We accept no commission! At the exchange rate of A separate bitcoin address is tied to your account. You can transfer any
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30/03/20 | 17:19


OfferUp for USA number - $1
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22/03/20 | 13:52

Technical work

Dear users! Due to technical work on the site, there may be failures in the Activations section.
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19/03/20 | 15:14

Tech problem with WeChat Pay

Dear users, unfortunately, payment through WeChat Pay temporarily unavailable. 尊敬的用户,微信支付暂时无法使用
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16/03/20 | 16:53


Attention! Now we accept bitcoin separately from other cryptocurrencies. It is much simpler and faster. See screenshot:
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