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16/06/22 | 20:19

Added a new country - Denmark

Dear friends, let me introduce you to a new country in the Activation section. New numbers - new opportunities. Hurry up to use them!
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25/05/22 | 16:56

Binance Pay

Dear users, we added Binance Pay as the new payment method. You can easily pay using your Binance account in seconds. Binance provide 50+ cryptocurrencies.
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20/05/22 | 09:08

Added Alipay method

Dear users, we have added Alipay payment method. Fee - 5%. 尊敬的用户,我们增加了支付宝支付方式。 费用 - 5%。
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19/05/22 | 17:57

Price reduction for phone numbers of Poland

Dear users, due to the stabilization of the supply of SIM cards in Poland, we are pleased to announce that the prices for these SIM cards have been reduced by 30 percent
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19/05/22 | 12:31

Canada premium sim cards

Dear users, we are glad to announce that premium SIM cards of Canada have appeared, have time to buy!
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18/05/22 | 17:36

Price reduction for Cyprus phone numbers

Dear users, we are pleased to announce that we are reducing prices for telephone numbers in Cyprus, have time to buy at a low price
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16/05/22 | 11:12

Poland's price reduction by 25%

Dear users, we have reduced prices for Polish phone numbers by 25%. Hurry up to buy at a low price!
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12/05/22 | 17:28

Added phone numbers of Croatia an Cyprus

Dear users, we added phone numbers of Croatia and Cyprus
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30/04/22 | 16:32

Added phone numbers of Canada and USA in the rental section

Dear users, we added phone numbers of Canada and updated phone numbers of USA in the rental section
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21/04/22 | 13:26

Added real phone numbers of Canada!

Dear users, we are pleased to announce that we have added real Canadian phone numbers, which means that their quality is many times better! Hurry up to buy - while there are still left :)
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