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هناك مواقع احتيالية تنسخ تصميمنا. تحقق من نطاق الموقع عند زيارتك له. نطاقنا هو SMSPVA.COM. كن حذرًا ولا تثق بالمواقع الاحتيالية. نحن لا نتحمل مسؤولية أفعال هذه المواقع الاحتيالية.


تاريخ النشر: 1-04-2024, 15:27

Special Offer: Egyptian Numbers at Low Prices!

We are excited to announce a significant reduction in prices for Egyptian numbers in both activation and rental sections!

• Activation Section: Activating SMS for apps is now cheaper, with most apps experiencing a reduction in activation costs.

• Rental Section: Take advantage of the reduced prices and consider the possibility of long-term rental. For some apps, an additional 30% discount is provided when renting a number for 30 days or more!

Don't miss the chance to take advantage of this special offer!

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